The url of this website and itโ€™s subdomains are natural english sentences that use / and - instead of spaces. It is highlighted on the top of the page and there it serves as a breadcrumb as well.

I had a precursor of this idea when I first heard of in the early 2000s. is a website in the vain of geocities where people could obtain a subdomain e.g.

Later, I had the idea of stucturing my website such that each page was a sentence like Arnaldur is writing a compiler or Arnaldur is making a game. Unfortunately, is taken and my namefellow wants to hold on to it.

Armed with this mediocre joke, I was looking for a domain for this website and stumbled upon Unfortunately, the Belgians who decide the usage of their top level domain are liberal in their liscencing policies and let me lease the domain.

The joke works better in many ways when using the interesting habitual be instead of is, whose tense is more present.